Quick Start

by typora.io


Thank you for choosing Typora. This document will help you get started with Typora.

Live Preview

Typora uses the feature: Live Preview, meaning that you can see inline styles as soon as you finish typing them and see block styles as you type or after you press the Enter key to focus on the next paragraph. Just try typing some Markdown in Typora, and you would see how it works.

Note: Markdown tags for inline styles, such as ** will be hidden or displayed smartly. Markdown tags for block level styles, such as ### or - [x] will be hidden once the block is rendered.

Markdown For Typora

Typora use GitHub Flavored Markdown, For more details, please open the Markdown Reference.

To see full Markdown Syntax references and extra usage, please check Help->Markdown Reference in the menu bar.

Useful Shortcuts

For more shortcut keys and custom key bindings, you can refer here.


Open Quickly

The quick open panel can be popped up by pressing Command + Shift + O (on macOS), Ctrl + P (on Windows/Linux) or clicking “Open Quickly” from the File menu.

You can use fuzzy search to find & open files in the current folder quickly.

Open Folder

You can select a folder in the open file dialog popup from FileOpen in the menu to open a folder in Typora. Actually, you do not need to open a folder explicitly in this way as when you open a file its parent folder will be automatically loaded. You could check the folder from the “Files Sidebar”, which will be introduced below.

Files Sidebar

Users can toggle the sidebar using the menubar or from the titlebar on macOS and from the status bar on Windows/Linux.

Typora has two types of sidebar:

In file tree mode, currently only folders and files that are supported by Typora (Markdown file, text file, etc) are displayed.

You can click the “Search” icon in the side panel on macOS or just scroll to the top of the side panel in the Windows/Linux version of Typora to show the global search input. Alternatively, use the hotkey Command/Ctrl + Shift + F to open the global search.


Mouse over the windows toolbar and click the outline icon at the top right of the window to open the outline panel. This panel can be pinned to the left side.

Word Count

Hovering over the windows toolbar with your cursor will also make the word count visible. “Always show word count” can be set from the preference panel. Clicking it will pop up a detailed word count tooltip. If a range of text is selected, the word count for the selection will also be displayed.


We created Typora and want to make it your default Markdown editor, thus copy and paste means copy from another app or paste to another app, instead of copy/paste from/to another Markdown editor. Therefore, by default, Copy means Copy As HTML ( and Paste means Paste from HTML).

However, after clicking “Copy Markdown source by default”, Typora will copy selected text in HTML/Markdown format. (When pasting, rich editors will accept the HTML format, while plain text / code editors will accept the Markdown source code format).

To copy Markdown source code explicitly, please use the shortcut key Shift + Command + C or use Copy as Markdown from the menu. To Copy as HTML Code, please select Copy as HTML Code from the menu.

Smart Paste

Typora is able to analyze styles of the text content in your clipboard when pasting. For example, after pasting <h1>HEADING</h1> from some HTML, Typora will keep the ‘first level heading’ format instead of pasting ‘heading’ as plain text.

To paste as Markdown source or plain text, you should use paste as plain text or use the shortcut key Shift + Command + V.


Please refer to HelpCustom Themes from the menu bar.


Currently, Typora supports exporting to PDF, HTML, HTML (without styles) and an Image format. More formats (like Word, RTF, etc) are supported via pandoc. Please visit the Export support page for further information.

Command Line Tool

Please see https://support.typora.io/Use-Typora-From-Shell-or-cmd/.

More Useful Tips & Documents


And More?

For more questions or feedback, please contact us by:

We opened a Github issue page in case you want to start a discussion or as an alternative way to report bugs/suggestions: https://github.com/typora/typora-issues/issues