Install and Use VLOOK



VLOOK™ make your Markdown a new perspective_^Interaction^_!

You can start a brand new Markdown experience in just 3 steps:

1.Download and Configure

2.Install the Theme Package

3.Configure Export Options

step 1: Download and Configure

• Download the Plug-in:

Download the latest version from the homepage of VLOOK™:

GitHub   Gitee

• Enable extended syntax:

Enable all options under “Markdown Extended Syntax”, “Code Blocks” of Typora. See the figure below for details:

Typora ▸ Preferences ▸ Markdown

step 2: Install the Theme Package

• Install the Themes:

  1. The ==released\themes== all CSS files are copied to Typora theme directory;
  2. Where is the theme directory? You can navigate to this directory by clicking ==Settings ▸ Appearance ▸ Open Theme Directory==.

• Select Theme:

  1. Restart Typora;
  2. Click the ==Themes== menu, select to Vlook *** any topic can be in the form of naming.

• Start Writing from the Template:

It is recommended to create your own Markdown document based on the document samples of the VLOOK™ specification, so that you can get started faster.

All samples .md files in the directory ==released/samples==

step 3: Configure Export Options

• Configure export setting:

  1. Start Typora and enter “Preferences
  2. Click “Export”, add configuration (==select HTML as a template==), and name the configuration VLOOK

• Install Meta Tag:

  1. Open the meta tag file: released\plugin\meta.txt
  2. Select and copy all contents
  3. Paste to “Append in <head />

• Install the Plugin:

  1. Open the plug-in file: released\plugin\plugin.txt
  2. Select and copy all contents;
  3. Paste to “Append in <body />

• One-click export via VLOOK:

  1. Open the md file conforming to the VLOOK™ specification;
  2. Click ==File ▸ Export ▸ VLOOK== to export.

Typora ▸ Preferences ▸ Export

Blog & Guide

• Blogs selected for the “Zhihu • Sea Salt Project” •• Go go go

• For detailed introduction, samples and instructions of VLOOK™ features, please refer to “VLOOK™ Quick Reference Manual”

Guide (part 1) - alternative link  

Guide (part 2) - alternative link


• How to update to latest version ?

To upgrade the old version of VLOOK™ to the latest version, please first follow Step 1 above to download the latest release version, and then update the corresponding “==Theme Package==” and “==Export Options==” according to Steps 2 and 3.

• Recommend compatible browser !

In order to ensure the best user experience, it is strongly recommended to use the following browsers to access:

Chrome  Edge  Firefox